Acupuncture and Massage. Two of the eight branches of Chinese Medicine. These powerful ancient arts are available just minutes from Christiansburg and Blacksburg, Virginia.
Experience the healing power of Chinese acupuncture and tuina bodywork.
The Healing Arts Studio
The Healing Arts Studio is a unique, ten-sided building built intentionally as a holistic treatment space. The decahedron shaped studio was designed to incorporate the basic feng shui principles of the five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, water) and the four directions.
There are two treatment rooms (green for wood, blue for water), a business office (red for fire), lobby (white for metal), restroom with shower (earth positioned on the axis).
Most of the wood used in the building was logged at Yellow Sulphur Springs: black walnut trims, poplar siding and cabinetry and red oak flooring. The tile in the restroom is quarried copper quartzite from Asia. The award winning studio design was created by Patrick Barry of Bethesda, Maryland, and built by Blacksburg builder Mike Hedlesky in 2002.
The studio is nestled in the woods along the burbling creek, just up from the goldfish pond. Cross the creek on the beautiful wooden bridge and enter a space of peaceful healing.
Schedule a treatment or contact us to set up your initial consultation.